As with any treatment; to prolong the wear & shine of your manicure, there comes aftercare. Here is some small but essential steps you can take at home to prolong those Perfectly Polished hands!

I have done my part, now its over to you!

*If any irritation occurs after treatment contact Jessica or your GP immediatly – Also seek to have your Manicure professionally removed by booking our Removal Treatment.

So you got Nail’d By! What a beautiful Manicure! – I hope you are as happy with my work as I am?!

But did you know -The first 24 Hours after treatment can be crucial to your Manicures appearance? Within the first 24 hours, some gel products may still be hardening out. So please, please, PLEASE:

  • NO! – picking or pulling at your Manicure or anything else! (boxes, packages – there are tools for that!) Please do not pick at or pull away product from the Nail Plate. Please only take a file to your Manicure if you feel a chip or a break. All Gel products are chemically bonded to the Keratin found within the Nail Plate, therefore, removing any product away by force will remove the top layer of your Nail Plate with it. As a result of this damage, the longevity of future Manicures will be affected! Your Natural Nail Plate does not rejuvenate itself! It only continues to grow out. Growth from Matrix (Cuticle) to Free Edge – can take between 3-5 months, so picking in May can cause problems in July!
  • NO! – heavy chemicals or cleaning…
  • Gloves! – Gloves for everything! Cleaning, dishwashing & especially when its cold outside. We care very much about the Skin as we do your Nails! Your Skin & your Nails; both natural and the Gel can become very dehydrated during the colder months unless you…
  • OIL! – Oil is what your Skin produces to keep itself healthy & a healthy Nail Plate is required for longer lasting Manicures! Use a Natural derived oil, as often as possible. Daily. A dehydrating product is used during the preparation of your Manicure, to ensure that the gel can take a grip of your Nail Plate. Thats why it is important to replenish moisture lost during treatment with regular oiling. Top Tip: Apply cuticle oil before water submersion (showering, bathing, swimming & dish washing) as a barrier aswell as after for replenishment!

We use only the leading Dadi Oil products which are also available to purchase in-salon for further Hand-loving at home! 

*All Manicures have a week Guarantee, if you notice any lifting or chipping, please contact Jessica.

*Dry & moisturise hands thoroughly after washing.

*Avoid products containing Lanolin – as this can cause the gel to lift.

*Avoid handling heavy coloured foods (Turmeric, food colourings) & New Jeans dyes as these can stain the Gel.

*Wash hands thoroughly after applying UV protection, Hair dye & hair products as these can cause the color to fade &/or lifting.